We all know reliable brakes are a crucial part of safe driving, but how do you know when you should have a brake inspection?
Your car’s braking system is complicated with many interactive parts that need to be in good working order to bring your car to a stop when you need it to. For the safety of your own passengers and for that of any who should cross your path, brakes that will stop thousands of pounds in gross vehicle weight are the most important safety precaution you should take.
One of the most obvious signs that a vehicle’s brakes need inspected is when you hear that awful squealing, scraping or grinding sound when braking. If your car’s brake warning light stays on is also a sure sign that it’s time for a brake inspection as well. Somewhat less noticeable indications are when the brake pedal feels “soft” or spongy or even when it feels quite hard to depress. And finally, if your car pulls to one side or the other when braking, it may be a sign that your car needs a brake repair job.
Aside from these clear indications that you already have a problem, having a brake inspection regularly is a smart part of good car maintenance and vehicle safety. Regular inspections help prevent braking failure as well as heavier damage that would require a more costly repair.