Probably the best advice for planning your wedding, would be to have fun! Expert wedding planners all agree that setting the budget is an essential thing; yet this can also be quite challenging given each of your preferences, so a bit of ‘give and take’ — Even before budget conversations take place — can be very helpful in trying to order priorities. In a way, it’s one of the first collaborations you both will be closely engaged in, so a great attitude toward this adventure can signify your life ahead, and your love, between each of you, and among all of your family and friends for years to come.
Questions to ponder will include a list of guests, so try to think honestly about who it is that you each want to be there to share this day with you; and where and when this most memorable moment will be taking place. A traditional venue is the bride’s Church; but outdoor and indoor weddings very often occur now in other places that the couple both find to be meaningful to them.It is very useful to keep an initial list of various things to be considered, as you make the plan. Organizing items such an album or binder to gather into one place any images that represent your own taste, even if it may take some inspiration from others. Also included might be brochures of possible venues or destinations, and notes relating to services (such as catering, for example, and photography or videography, florists, cakemakers, and others), or of executing any contracts relating to the marriage. Also helpful would be notes relating to any certificates or legal documents relating to Church or State requirements for the marriage or Federal documentation for foreign travel.
A checklist of each of these items, also, along with contact information for the individual responsible for coordinating each of the deliveries and the services that will be taking place on the wedding day, itself, is also essential, as is a tentative “rainy-day” plan, just in case!
Take a few breaths before you decide on all the variables, and take time to think about your shared vision of what characterizes the best-possible wedding, for the best-possible marriage of a lifetime.