If your heater and air conditioner is working, but is old, how do you know it is time to replace it?
For several years, we knew our heater and air conditioner was old and inefficient, but because they worked, we did not replace them. However, we also avoided using the air conditioning in the Akron heat because it was too costly.
Eventually we started to shop around. The big advantage of replacing heating and air conditioning before they break is that you can take your time and shop for a good deal and not have to make a quick decision.
We were able to take about 6 weeks to talk with several Kent heating and air conditioning companies and we finally chose one that offered us 3 year financing without interest. Had we needed to make an emergency replacement, we would have never found that deal.
Now we have enjoyed efficient AC in the Summer and it barely raised the electric bill at all. A big chance from before when we would never use the AC for fear of adding hundreds to the bill. I know now I will also dread allergy season in the Spring much less as we can keep the windows closed.
So if you are considering a replacement, you could save hundreds or even thousands by not waiting till an emergency with your heater or air conditioner.