Are ladybugs all over your house?
Ladybug Laying Eggs! (Close-up)
I was taking a video of a ladybug I found in the garden.
During this time of year the small orange, spotted beetles that may people think of as Ladybugs are most active. The insects are looking for a warm spot to pass the Winter months. They are desperately trying to find a way into any warm place they can find, especially your home. But, they will be nearly as happy inside your window sill or door jam where it is warmer than outside.
Very often the ladybug settle down in the mulch or loose leaves around the foundation of your home. It is a warm spots too.
Ladybugs are beneficial in the garden. They eat some harmful insects you do not want in your garden like aphids. But why are there so many around in Ohio in recent years?
Actually, many of the insects you see are really Asian lady beetles. According to the University of Pennsylvania Agriculture Department, the Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, was introduced into Pennsylvania back in 1978 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
While beneficial, they can be a nuisance this time of year to homeowners. Swarms are found this time of year congregating on windows, doors, and on porch decks. They seem to be attracted to the the sunny side of houses and other buildings. They are looking for cracks or crevices in which to spend the Winter.
The good news is that they are harmless. These insects do not sting and can be easily collected with the vacuum cleaner or rounded up in a cup and thrown outside. Keep in mind, they are said to bring good luck, so maybe a few are not so bad.