It’s getting to be that time of year again, and you’re probably thinking about doing some spring cleaning. We all are. You don’t have to wait until the weather hits a certain temperature to get started.
Before it’s even warm enough to clean your yard there are a lot of things you can do inside to get your house in tip-top shape for the coming year. For example, you might want to pick one room or one closet or one drawer or cupboard in your kitchen and think about cleaning out very thoroughly and throwing a bunch of stuff away as part of your spring cleaning before even getting to the yard.
Inside you may want to do some things like dust the fans and hire someone to clean out your ventilation. Getting rid of the dust can help when allergy season hits.
The next thing you might want to do is look at cleaning your garage, shed or mud room to get ready for the spring cleaning of the yard that’s to come. Before the grass is even ready to mow you might want to start your weed eater and your lawnmower to make sure they’re running. Make sure you use fresh gas or they will probably not start. And if they’re not running to have them serviced so that they’re ready when it’s time to cut the grass or trim the sidewalk edges. If you wait until the last minute you will find a backlog of people also getting repairs and the wait will be longer.
This is also a good time to look at your patio furniture and see if replacement or repairs are needed before it warms up too much. Sometimes simply sanding the rust or problem areas and painting them will be enough to make your patio furniture seem like new. At the hardware store, you can buy metallic paint was specifically designed to do just this. If the umbrella to your patio table is faded or broken you can also get out and get a replacement before and really want to use it so you have it ready.
When you get a random nice day even if you’re not ready to start cleaning the entire yard you can break up a small bunch of leaves and throw them away or pick up sticks and pile them neatly someplace where you can either throw them away, mulch them or burn them later. This way when you start cleaning the yard for real some of the initial work is already done.
And how about that old swing set in your backyard – do your kids still use it? Maybe it’s time to cut that up into pieces and get rid of it. Or if it’s something that comes apart maybe you can donate it to someone who will use it. Often there is a spring trash pickup day for big stuff like that and that is the time you want to get rid of those sorts of things.
We all know what it’s like the first day you start really spring cleaning in your yard. You’re sore and you feel like you haven’t exercised in a year and at the end of the day, you feel like you’ve been run over by a truck. While the exercise is good for us, too much all at once after getting a little bit out of shape over the winter can be dangerous, or at least unpleasant. By doing a little bit in advance you can lighten the load and be a bit more active in advance. And you always have the option to hire a landscaping company, handyman, or some kids from the neighborhood to come and help you so that you don’t hurt yourself or overexert yourself all in one day. There are plenty of landscaping services in Akron and every suburb around Akron and you can simply do a web search to find these people and hire them now before they get too busy in order to get your yard in the best shape possible to enjoy on those first warm weeks.