The only way to make a lasting change for the better in your life is by doing little things better every day. Even if you quit something cold turkey (all at once, for my non-US readers), you still must commit to maintaining that change day in and day out.
Here are seven things you can do today that will have an impact on you and the world in a positive way and make everything GR8TR. They take very little, or no, time but can be a big change in your life if done regularly.
Be More Present
The biggest single change is an ancient one: to be more present in the moment. This means look around, pay attention to what is happening around you and engage with the world on purpose, not on the side. So, a little less mobile phone screen time is going to be needed.
Smile More
Smile more and look at people. Say hi. Force yourself to engage a bit more with people you do not have to around you. Even forcing a smile has been shown to make people actually happier.
Help Someone
Slightly more than hold the door and not as much as give someone money. Just find a way to be helpful to someone throughout the day. Think of that “act of kindness” sort of attitude. This has maximum effect when the person is not actively looking or asking for help.
Boost Health
Today do one small thing that improves your health. This could be skipping a sweet or could be going for a walk. Does one day only make a different? Maybe not. But a journey starts with the first step. Also, it is worth noting that when you are being healthier you are not only helping yourself, you are also helping the world. You are consuming less resources in many areas, such as food, food processing and health care resources.
Add to Savings or Investment
Unless you have already set this up, today would make your future life GR8TR by setting it up now. Set up automatically saving money each month. Have a monthly amount moved to another account for saving, investment and retirement. If you do not want to get involved in how to invest, you can use automated systems like Wealthfront or Betterment to do it for you.
Cut Something Bad Out
Breaking a bad habit can start today. And you do not always need to completely stop doing something. Maybe setting strict limits, such as only drinking on weekends or only buying shoes once a quarter. Maybe it is changing from expensive coffee drinks to a simple black coffee. Or maybe it is something that can help the environment such as not using plastic utensils and straws. Cut one thing out today and keep it up, and lots of things get better.
No one can make wholesale changes in one day. Instead, you can start today and make small changes that build up over time. It all starts with a higher level of consciousness and effort day in and day out. GR8TR is our effort to help people daily think about their activities and the impact their lives have on everyone else, and become better, and GR8TR. To find out more about GR8TR visit and join our email list if you are committed to improvement and planning for the future.